By 2030, 80% of the world's extreme poor will live in the world's most dangerous places, most of them will be girls and boys.


This is not suitable for children.

By 2030, 80% of the world's extreme poor will live in the world's most dangerous places, most of them will be girls and boys.


This is not suitable for children.

Raw Hope is an initiative to help girls, boys and their families living in the world's most dangerous places, enabling them to survive, recover and build a future. Because we believe every child should have a full life, no matter where they live... Generations to come are depending on us.

Raw Hope stories

Suldana’s story is not what childhood should be

In Somalia, a teenage girl stands in the middle of a displaced peoples' camp.

“Hunger forced us to leave our home because we had no food or water.”


Suldana,15, and her family traveled for eight days finally making it to a displaced peoples’ camp in southern Somalia after losing all their livestock to the drought.


Now, Suldana is the family’s sole breadwinner. She goes into town daily to find work, mostly washing dishes, where, if she is lucky, she earns around US$0.88.


Prices are increasing steadily (90% of Somalia’s wheat is imported from Ukraine and Russia) and she’s usually only able to buy one meal a day for her family.


“We do feel hungry after eating because food was inadequate.”


Raw Hope supporters are already transforming reality for girls and boys living in the most dangerous places, bringing hope for a better tomorrow. Join the movement.

In Somalia, a teenage girl stands in the middle of a displaced peoples' camp.

Raw Hope delivers support where it's most needed

An illustrated map with all countries in gray, but highlighted in orange are 5 fragile countries.

What makes a place dangerous?

Extreme poverty. Climate change. Famine. Conflict.

These factors make a place fragile and block children and their families from having their basic needs met.

An illustrated map with all countries in gray, but highlighted in orange are 5 fragile countries.

When you give through Raw Hope, World Vision can help girls, boys and their families, living in places others can’t reach. Places like Honduras, Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), South Sudan, Syria, Lebanon, Somalia, Iraq and Afghanistan.

Your impact

Your donation helps families not only survive, but recover and build a future, too. Here are some ways sustainable solutions are improving things in the most dangerous places.

Your contribution at a glance

Funding a future of freedom for vulnerable children, families and communities.


This chart is based on a five-year average of World Vision Canada’s annual statement of total expenditures.

Help deliver what childhood should be.

Donate to Raw Hope.


If you have any questions, please call us

